
I have worked on lot of projects in the last 20 years, some are still functional and some are closed. Many projects are under NDA so I cannot list them out here. I don't develop games.
Click here to WhatsApp me if you need software developed.

Web Application/Software

  1. MakPacs Software for Tele-Radiology Reporting
    I created a web-based software for the company so that the doctors and radiology centers can come online and share the scans and reports at a central place.
  2. Automatic Shares Buy/Sell Software for myself. I created a PHP software which interfaces with Zerodha’s API to take a decision for buying and selling a share. It keeps working in the background with no manual intervention.

Apart from the list of projects above, I have also worked for Coca Cola, Logitech, Qatar Airways and some more big companies.

I have not done any app which has thousands of downloads or which has gone viral. If you are looking for that kind of developer, please look elsewhere but if you are looking for a person who understands your business and would work as a partner, contact me.

There are somethings which I don’t do:

  1. Change code in existing mobile apps: More often than not it is a nightmare for developer and owner
  2. Rush jobs: I don’t take rush jobs. I work on a pre-defined schedule which helps me to give my 100%. Rush jobs are a headache
  3. Gaming Apps: I don’t do gaming apps. That is not my area of expertise

Want to know why I have limited apps in my portfolio? Click here.

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Contact Form
Gaurav Chandra, Freelance Mobile App Developer Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Faridabad.

Get in touch with me to know more how you can benefit by hiring me.

Complete transparency at all stages of your project.

Click here to WhatsApp me if you are willing to invest ₹1,00,000+ or US$ 3,000+ in your idea.